Rules Negotiated Beforehand. Replacing bombings with evacuations should be made a reality, not merely a hope. Nuclear nations must negotiate rules to determine when and how evacuations would be performed and how and by whom such evacuations would be monitored and verified. It would be irresponsible and highly risky for the superpowers to wait for a major war to occur before negotiating the procedures of evacuation that would allow a nonviolent (or less violent) use of nuclear weapons. Hence, the time to negotiate is now, when neither a hot war nor a cold war prevents the major powers from talking to each other.
International Troops and Monitors. Each nation must be made responsible, in the first instance, to evacuate its cities when ordered. To assure that evacuations have occurred as claimed, international troops must monitor whether and to what extent the evacuations have occurred. Such troops and monitors cost money to be trained and kept in reserve. If activated, such troops must be paid even more money to be sent to foreign nations to monitor the evacuations. The cost of funding such troops must be paid by those nations which want the power to order evacuations in other nations. For nations which provide no funds, there should be no right to order evacuations.
Virtual Nuclear Bombs. When nuclear weapons are used only to order evacuations, there is never any actual use of nuclear weapons. Plants, animals, and people are not killed, buildings are not destroyed, radiation is not spread about, and the environment is not harmed. The right of a nation to order evacuations in other nations is like a “virtual nuclear bomb.” If a nation exercises this right to order an evacuation, it causes great inconvenience to the other nation. This great inconvenience is effectively an act of war. However, it is an act of nonviolent warfare.
Other Non-Proliferation Goals. The fees for nations to obtain “virtual nuclear bombs” (evacuation rights) can be set high, both to cover all costs of troops and monitors, and to pay for overhead. The overhead charges can be used to pay for inspections of nuclear weapons sites and suspected sites, to secure existing weapons against theft, and to support counter-proliferation efforts. The same treaty can also charge fees for continued possession of actual nuclear weapons, and use those fees, in part, to regulate such possession in a manner that ensures no first use of actual nuclear weapons. The fee system for evacuation rights and other rights makes the treaty self-financing. In addition, the treaty fees can provide adequate funding for all other efforts that are needed for effective nuclear arms control.